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Video Marketing: How to use different types of videos

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Video-Marketing-How-to-use different-types-of-videos

Video-Marketing-How-to-use different-types-of-videos

Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Jonathan Lopez

Due to the popularity of video marketing, video content has emerged as the favoured technique to attract viewers and engage the community. A decade ago, most businesses were reluctant to use video marketing because of the cost involved. Nowadays, businesses can hire a video editing company online and create videos with very little investment.

The rise of video editing services solved the problem of video creation. But most businesses and marketers are confused as to the type of videos to create. For those who are creating video marketing plans, here are 7 of the best videos to help you launch your campaign.

1. Explainer video

Information-driven searches are more important than other types of searches, such as purchase intent searches. At the top of the list of information-based searches is the need to learn more about brands, products, or services. Therefore, explanatory videos are becoming an obvious option for companies to introduce their products to their target audience.

In general, these videos first discuss the problems that consumers are facing. This section follows why and how your product can help your potential customers. Explainer videos can either be live-action or animated content. However, even live-action video contains some animation to convey the message effectively.

Customers also need to visit your store online, so you can also give them a good reason to do so. Creating a blog section and posting a blog related to the products and services you offer will definitely add more value to your website. If you’re selling clothes, blog about the latest fashion trends, different fabrics, and their benefits, or post tips on how to put together the best clothes for your particular occasion. We highly recommend videos to increase customer loyalty.

2. Corporate Culture Video

To the customer, the person who makes the product is as important as the product itself. We have been developing this behaviour for thousands of years. We all have a tendency to be with our community and like-minded people as much as we deny. This is also reflected in our purchasing behaviour. Corporate culture videos work to have a higher emotional connection when corporate values ​​and brand visions match customer values.

In addition, these videos make the brand humane by giving viewers a glimpse of everyday events at work, employee opinions, company outings, and more. Content that positively describes the brand could be the subject of a culture video.

3. Video of customer’s voice

User-generated content is one of the best ways to boost your marketing campaign. Customers expect brands to rave or talk highly about their products. But they are ready to trust the same when they hear from other customers. Nowadays, it has become common practice for customers to seek out product reviews before making their buying decision.

One of the biggest reasons to use testimonial videos is that they share the customer’s perspective, while other video types articulate the brand’s side of the story. For the testimonial videos to hit the target, generate trust and confidence in the customers, the content needs to be genuine and authentic. For newly launched products, brands can look for reviewers at trade fairs, in-store events, and more.

Alternatively, brands with previous customers can ask them to share their genuine experience with the product. Remember that the introductory video enhances the reliability of your product. The more reliable you are, the higher your conversions and sales.

4. Product video

Product videos are essential to marketing campaigns where a company sells a product or service. More than 70% of
customers watch product-related videos before making a purchase. This helps a client gauge the features of the item. Moreover, it must provide a solution to an existing need or problem. Depending on the product you sell, GenZ is the largest target group or will soon be the largest target group. Also, according to one survey, 87% of members of this demographic prefer product-related videos.

A product video is a general term that includes multiple video types. That said they all have a few common properties.
To run a successful marketing campaign all product-related videos must tell a story, should be short and concise, and appeal to reason and/or pull at the heartstrings with its content. Apart from effectively conveying the marketing message a product video must also entertain the audience, even if it’s less than a minute.

5. Influencer Videos

Influencer marketing is becoming more popular because it works. This type of marketing brings more views, shares, and conversions. The influencers are people with considerable followers. Online businesses are looking for influencers to expand the reach of their products. Don’t forget to look for an influencer that matches your product and brand. You can use influencers to promote your product in different ways. One way is to have them in your ads. Another method is to use them in opening videos, commentary videos, etc.

If influencers are not involved in the creation of content, brands can only use influencers for outreach. Also, don’t forget that there are platform-specific influencers. Individuals who have gained significant followers on YouTube may not have similar reach on platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok. Therefore, choose influencers based on the platform that promotes your product.


There are different types of videos you can create to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Introductory texts and customer review videos are great because they not only prove your brand credibility but also turn your attention to the reviews and provide something relevant to your potential customers. You don’t have to spend a fortune to create videos for your online store. Use our free online video editor, which offers all the important tools and features to help you create interactive content. Moving from a physical store to a virtual store in the digital domain can be very difficult.

These tips are designed to provide insights into the basics needed to make shopping easier and less stressful. After launching and running your website, you need to focus on maintaining your store as you would a real store and make sure it’s clean, functional, and efficient. With a little strength, the future of your business can look even brighter online.

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